I’m so glad you decided to try something new and sign up for line dancing lessons. As a mature student, it’s important to be patient with yourself and practice. It’s okay to not know your right from your left, but now is the time that you are going to break through whatever mental block has made that so. I don’t expect you to “get” a dance the first time I teach it. I expect after 4 teaches you will “get it” and after 8 or 10 practices you will be able to perform a dance without my help. That means you will need to practice on your own. I need you to be your own biggest cheer leader. Encourage yourself and be stubborn about figuring out the dances. There will come a turning point when it is no longer frustrating and completely enjoyable to do new things with your body! I will be by your side each step of the way pointing you in the right direction. Let’s Dance!
Sherry’s YouTube Channel
You will find resources to help you practice the dances you learn in class on my YouTube channel. Be sure to create a YouTube account so you can subscribeand create your own practice playlists. Feel free to comment on the videos if I can do something else to help your progress.