Level 1WED 7:15-8:15 PM Learn common line dance step combinations and dances to a variety of musical genres. 60+ with dance experience are welcome to this faster paced class.
1/22-3/12/2025 - 8 weeks4/9-5/7/2025 - 6 weeks5/21-6/25/2025 - 6 weeks |
Level 2TUE 6:45-7:45PM This is the sweet spot where we learn the Improver/Low Intermediate dances they are dancing at the club on Thursday and Sunday nights.
1/21-3/11/2025 - 8 weeks4/8-5/6/2025 - 6 weeks5/20-6/24/2025 - 6 weeks |
60+ Level 1WED 6-7PM Improve your memory skills, balance, coordination, and cardiovascular fitness learning to line dance, all while making friends and building your confidence for a night out dancing!
1/22-3/12/2025 - 8 weeks4/9-5/7/2025 - 6 weeks5/21-6/25/2025 - 6 weeks |