Are your feet killing you after a night of dancing? Consider strengthening and stretching. Dance is a sport and takes a toll on your body. It’s important to strengthen and stretch those muscles so they will last us a lifetime. Try these exercises and stretches recommended by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Read these articles that briefly outline the benefits of dance for mental health and physical well being. Some of the benefits mentioned include: increasing confidence, coordination, stamina, bone strength, muscle strength, cardiovascular strength, lung capacity, weight control, balance, and energy. Dance also improves cholesterol levels, decreases blood pressure, and reduces stress. My favorite reasons to dance? I forget my pain and problems when I'm dancing. I enjoy the company of some of the friendliest and fun-loving people. It is a reasonably priced mood enhancing drug. Yep, I'm hooked. I'll see you on the dance floor.
Copperknob is the current go to website for the International line dance community. You can search by song title, dance name, choreographer, difficulty level and find dance step sheets, demonstrations and teaches of the many, many dances being danced around the world.
The World Line Dance Newsletter is the go to place to find line dance events in your town and around the world. This website will help you find a place to dance near your home; or, in a town you might be visiting. Always call ahead before showing up at a dance venue to confirm the information online is up to date. Finally, this site is famous for their weekly survey where anyone can report their favorite dances, making this the place to find the most popular line dances in the world right now. Keep in mind, this is a self-report kind of thing so not everyone is weighing in, but it's not a bad snapshot of the line dance scene.